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Texas and Oklahoma’s Premier Dock and Accessories Company

Sales, Installation, Repairs, & Maintenance

Everything You Need for the Ultimate Lake Experience

Dock Sales and Installation Services

Dockwerks specializes in providing durable and long-lasting custom dock systems that take your waterfront experiences to the next level. We proudly partner with trusted brands, including Wahoo Docks and Wave Armor, to deliver premium solutions to your specifications. Our options are designed to last and impress, from spacious floating docks to sleek aluminum gangways. As a family-owned and operated local business focused on exceptional customer service, we are the region’s premier partner for docks and accessories.

Products and Services for Your Lake Enjoyment

Our comprehensive offerings cover dock and accessory sales and services throughout all stages of enjoying time on the area’s lakes and ponds. Our customers include residential waterfront property owners and commercial businesses operating near or on the water. Visit us for dock design and sales services, complete with professional installation. Looking to add convenience to your dock area? Let’s talk about accessories for fishing or storage. Need repairs on a dock that’s starting to age? We’re here for that too. We can handle every detail so you can relax and enjoy your time on the dock or the water.


Our dock systems can accommodate any landscape and design needs. Their customization and versatility ensure that we can install the simplest to the most elaborate dock setups.


We work with leading dock and lake accessories brands, including LakeEZE, HydroHoist, DockBloxx, and TitanSTOR, for organization and storage options.


Get professionally skilled construction and repair services on any dock or seawall. With our partners at NTX Lake Construction, your waterfront setup is in the best hands.

custom dock on lake

Why Choose Us?

Our company is a family-owned business with a passion for creating exceptional waterfront experiences. With years of industry knowledge and a team of construction experts, we ensure reliability and professionalism in every project. Visit our huge showroom in Gainesville, TX, where you can explore your options and consult with our knowledgeable team for personalized recommendations.


Get Started With Us Today

Looking to transform your lakefront? Whether purchasing a custom dock or needing professional installation services, Dockwerks in Gainesville, TX is here to help. Contact us today or visit our Gainesville showroom to discover the difference.