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A Preferred Dealer and Installer of Wave Armor Products

When it comes to premium dock systems and lake accessories, Dockwerks is proud to be your trusted Wave Armor dealer and installation expert in Texas and Oklahoma. Our company brings innovative, durable, and customizable docking solutions to lake homeowners, waterfront property owners, and boating enthusiasts. Whether upgrading your current setup or building a brand-new dock system, we’re here to help you make the most out of life on the lake.

wave armor dock system for jetskis

Why Choose Wave Armor Dock Systems?

Wave Armor dock systems are built from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), a material that’s remarkably resistant to impacts, UV rays, and water absorption. This construction ensures your dock can handle even the harshest lake conditions while remaining long-lasting and low-maintenance. A reputation for durability and reliability makes Wave Armor one of the best-selling brands in the industry.

Modular and Customizable Design

Wave Armor products are designed for flexibility. With their modular system, you can easily customize your dock to meet the different needs of your waterfront property. Whether you’re looking for a small personal platform or a full-scale dock system, the adaptability of Wave Armor ensures your installation seamlessly plays into your landscape.

Easy Installation and Use

Forget complicated setups. Wave Armor dock systems are built for hassle-free installation and removal, making them ideal for seasonal use. The modular design means you can add or remove sections over time, ensuring your dock adapts to your changing needs.

Safety First

Safety around the water is imperative. These docks are sturdy and safe, featuring non-slip surfaces and durable barriers, giving you and your loved ones peace of mind while enjoying the water.

Environmentally Friendly Solutions

These products are as gentle on the environment as they are tough on the elements. Their durable design minimizes the need for replacements, helping reduce waste and protect the natural beauty of your lake environment.

two jetskis parked on wave armor dock system

Explore Our Range of Lake and Boating Products

The range of options doesn’t stop at the end of the dock with us. We’re your one-stop shop for premium Wave Armor accessories and products, including:

  • Ramps and gangways for seamless waterfront access
  • H-Beam dock connections for secure setups
  • Dock mooring kits to keep your dock in place
  • Boat ports and pontoon ports for hassle-free storage
  • Durable canopies to shield your watercraft from the elements
  • Swim rafts for ultimate on-the-water fun

Visit Our Gainesville, TX  Showroom

Stop by the Dockwerks Gainesville showroom to experience the quality of Wave Armor dock systems and accessories up close. Not sure where to start? Our team is ready to consult with you, discuss your project needs, and help craft the perfect solution for your waterfront. Contact us today to get started and discover why we are the ultimate choice for Wave Armor products and installation.

Get the Most Out of Life on the Lake